Sunday, November 17, 2013

The Good Outweighing The Bad

Day after Day its like I rather not turn on television to watch the news because nine times out of ten its going to be a something relating to Affordable Care Act oh yeah forgot to mention of course something negative:-).  I'm at a point of realization that people are going to be people they will criticize you when you're doing good and definitely laugh at you when you're doing bad and say I told you so!!!  Americans Already Love ObamaCare!!
Here are five reasons why:
  1. Allows young Americans to stay on their parents' insurance plans until 26 regardless of their school status or marital status.
  2. Bans insurance companies from denying coverage for pre-existing conditions
  3.  Offers tax credits to small businesses to buy insurance.
  4. Requires companies with more than 50 employees to provide health insurance
  5. Provides subsidies to help individual afford coverage.

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